The title on this book suited my theme of birds and flowers, perfectly. The green color was a bit drab and ugly, so as I was painting watered down gesso on my scrapbook paper covered chipboard pages, I painted those covers, also. I encased some dried flowers within hard plastic packaging, using copper foil tape, brads, and a touch of glue for a part of the front cover embellishments. I had picked the flowers around my complex last year and put them between waxpaper and phonebook pages, thinking I would have a use for them, "someday" !! I recently purchased some vintage watch faces on E-bay, so, I finally got to use a couple of them within this book. There are lots of K&K Company stickers, vintage trade card featuring birds, a vintage calling card, pieces of junk jewelery, pieces of new and vintage lace,vintage postage stamps, a vintage stick pin that acutally has a worm on it, vintage postcard, vintage pickle fork, cheesecloth, feathers, a birds' nest with eggs (beads covered with alcohol inks), rhinestones, twigs from shrubs in front of my courtyard, mosaic tiles, and much more within these pages. I put these pages together with the intention of listing the book on E-bay, but, each time I page through it, it becomes more and more, MINE !! I suppose if I had not used a photo of a family member, or had not used other embellishments that had personal meaning, it might be easier to let the book go. Click on the photos for a larger view. I had tried to put descriptions of the pages next to each photo, but, Blogger does not co-operate with me. I'm sure it is all just a matter of taking time and patience to learn a few things, but, I would rather be creating than trying to figure all of this out!! AND, then when I do look at the post, the photos are all out of sync from where I had them placed when writing the post and also where they appeared in the preview. I don't know what happened when I click "publish". Oh well !!!
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